Tuesday, December 17, 2013

That time I made the worst pasta anyone has ever seen.

Hi world!

How's your week going? Mine has been a little rough...I've been feeling under the weather, but I'm confident I can kick the bug.

I feel like I've been slacking in the cooking department lately, so I had a plan to cook more at home this week. I found a couple recipes to try, stocked up on ingredients at work, and gave it a whirl. To put it nicely, some of those recipes came out better than others.

We all take risks in the kitchen, right? Sometimes they turn out really really well, and sometimes they turn into horrible failures. The zucchini pancakes I mentioned in my last post come to mind. The purple noodles I made the other day also come to mind.

I found a recipe online (the source of which shall remain nameless) which called for a pasta sauce made out of sweet potato, tofu and tarragon, among other things. We have these awesome purple sweet potatoes at work right now, and I thought it would be nice to use them instead of regular orange sweet potatoes. I had a vision involving super cool and creative purple pasta.

Not only did the process take forever, but about halfway through, I got a bad feeling about the outcome. I blended the sauce in the vitamix and it smelled completely unappetizing - kind of like dead houseplants. Meanwhile my husband watched, horrified, as I stirred the purple tofuey slop.

It was NOT GOOD. We dumped goat cheese on it, and the only edible bites were the ones that were 90% goat cheese. My husband was completely unsurprised and couldn't believe I had thought a recipe involving blended sweet potato, tarragon and tofu would turn out well. I guess it sounded like a good idea in theory? In all fairness, sometimes I don't understand his food choices, either - like when he grabs a handful of babybel cheeses and dips them into hummus like they're pita chips. 

So you don't have nightmares, here's my attempt at paleo sweet potato brownies, which turned out to be delicious:

I followed this recipe, and I was shocked at how easy it was. In my experience, specialty recipes (paleo, vegan, raw - especially raw,) tend to be very complicated and require expensive ingredients and equipment. This recipe was simple, and I already had every ingredient. Yay! 

So there you have it, one kitchen-tastrophy and one success. I'm just glad my kitchen disaster took place at home and not at work. Not that I haven't had my fair share of close calls there, too..

Have a great night, and I'll be back soon with another post.


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