Saturday, March 15, 2014

Apartment hunting and things of lately

Hey there bloggies :)

I think it's about time I get back into the blogging swing of things. Work got crazy, and I started school, so I haven't had much time to blog (or do any interesting things to later blog about). I'll make an effort to change that!

I had a glorious Saturday with my hubby. The weather was 65*, sunny and gorgeous - a well-deserved break from the hideous winter we've all had. Of course, the forecast for Monday is 27* and my husband put it, it's winter's last middle finger to us all as it makes its exit.

We spent the morning walking around Bethesda and looking at potential apartments for our move in August, and we may have actually found one! It seems like a long ways off, but since June is only two(ish) months away and residents in these buildings are required to give notice 60 days before they move, the timing is actually perfect. I can't believe my favorite part of town might be right outside my door pretty soon! We also had lunch in the area, and I stopped into a salon real quick to get my hair shampooed, since I've been dealing with this for the past 10 days:

That's not the most recent picture (the splint is out now), but I'm not about to show you guys the gory details. One little slip of the knife while cutting kale at work = 11 stitches and a ridiculously long recovery time. It's been frustrating to have limited use of one hand, especially in my line of work. I can get the stitches out tomorrow (which I'm hoping they'll numb my finger for..), but the healing might take a while longer. So naturally I jumped at the chance to get a $5 shampoo at a cheap salon and save myself another pathetic attempt at washing my own hair with just one hand <-- harder than it sounds. 

Kale massacre aside, work has been pretty good. Busy, though. Every week I think my work load will lighten up, and every week something unexpected pops up and my work load just increases. I'm in the middle of setting up new software which will enable me to calculate the nutritional information and do the costing for all our recipes. In theory, very exciting. In reality, I have no idea how to set up software. And to make matters more complicated, the company this software comes from is in Australia, so I can't even reach them to beg for help during my normal business hours (middle of the night over there). I may have to stay late one night this week and use up all the Skype minutes I bought with the company credit card until someone answers in the land down under.

In other news, here's a cute but terrible thing my cat does now:

Whenever I have a glass of water out, she finds it and drinks out of it. File this under the "I definitely shouldn't let her do that, but I think it's cute so I don't want to stop her" category. I even gave her her own glass the other day, since I always have to dump out the rest of the water after she drinks out of it (because ew). I should probably put an end to the bad behavior sooner rather than later. 

So that's what's going on over here. What's going on with you guys?


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