Saturday, January 18, 2014

Just a few home remedies

Happy Saturday morning!

Hope you're all having a great weekend so far. Mine has been lovely. I had planned to do an Insanity workout yesterday, but a 9.5-hour work day on Thursday without any real break left my poor feet seriously sore. Needless to say, Insanity wasn't going to happen, so I went to a yoga class instead. I'm planning a series of low-impact workouts this week, like spinning, Pilates and yoga, to give my body a chance to recuperate.

Speaking of work, I have a home remedy to share with you guys. My nails have been falling apart lately. Literally, falling apart. I spend a lot of time at work doing dishes, not because I'm the only one who will do them, but because I actually love doing them. Playing in the soapy water reminds me of bathtime as a little kid, and it's a chance to think and have some semblance of alone time during a busy work day. Yes, I could wear dish gloves, but they slow me down and suck all the fun out of playing in the bubbles. hands have been in rough shape from all the harsh detergent/sanitizer/hot water. Here are the recipes for the homemade hand scrub and cuticle cream I've been relying on:

1/2 C brown sugar or raw sugar
1/2 C coconut oil

Looks nasty, smells nasty, works like a charm. I use it on my hands every few nights, followed my the cuticle cream and a thick moisturizer before bed, and it leaves them super soft. I've used it as a body scrub, too. 

Cuticle cream:

1 T Shea butter
Few drops lavendar oil
Few drops geranium oil
Few drops cedarwood oil
1 t coconut oil

As far as the thick moisturizer is concerned, the best one I've found is Aveeno Eczema Therapy. It's not greasy at all (my biggest hand cream pet peeve) and it seems to work for a while - not just until the next time I wash my hands. It's a personal preference, though. I know a lot of people love the look ma, new hands lotion from Bath & Body Works - I might look into that one when my Aveeno runs out. 

Now, let's move on to an edible home remedy. I've been waking up with a stuffy nose lately, so this morning I decided to give my own Vitamin C Smoothie recipe a whirl. You can find a bunch of recipes like this online, but this one is my own combination of vitamin C-rich fruits and a lemon, ginger and turmeric wellness shot I've been obsessed with lately. 


1 C mixed berries
1/2 C pineapple
3 clementines 
Juice from 1/2 a lemon
1 Thumb-sized piece of ginger, peeled
1/2 t turmeric
1/2 t cayenne pepper
Enough coconut water to cover all the ingredients in the blender. 

Blend on high.

It was actually pretty tasty! It was pleasantly spicy from the ginger and cayenne, and the sweetness of the pineapple and berries balanced it nicely. I'll definitely make it again. 

So there you have it! Some natural, homemade remedies for ya. 

We're planning some errands for the day, and we may or may not go out to dinner tonight. It's restaurant week and my hubby made reservations at a Spanish restaurant, but we have so much food here, I'm wondering if we should stay in. I planned three meals for last week, but the 9x13 pan of baked ziti I made on Monday somehow ended up lasting us ALL WEEK. 

Have a great weekend!


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