Friday, January 3, 2014


Once again, it took me a while to get back into blog mode after my vacation. But here I am. Hi world!

As much as I love the holidays, I'm happy to be back in a routine. I keep telling myself that spring is right around the corner now, but sadly, the weather isn't playing along.

(that 3 kills me!)

I know it's worse in other parts of the country, but I was counting on a milder winter now that I'm living in Maryland. How can a state that gets so miserably hot in the summer also get this cold?? Shouldn't it be one or the other?

My husband and I had planned to hit up the gym early this morning, but we didn't even make it to the car in the bitter cold before I was begging him to work out at home with me instead. We did rounds of single leg deadlifts, single leg squats, bicep curls to shoulder presses and turkish get-ups, followed by 20 minutes of tabata training. It was the best workout I've gotten in a while, and since no one else was in the workout room, I got to play music out of my new speakers and dance around in between sets. 


I've been thinking about resolutions lately. I usually don't make any, because January 1st never felt like the start of a new year to me - September did, because that's when I always started a new school year. This year, it felt like a bigger deal, and I ended up making quite a few resolutions. They're small, so hopefully I won't abandon them all come February:

-Transition to natural cleaning products (you already knew about this one)

-Eat more fermented foods and drinks 

-Get four workouts in per week, minimum. This one has been so hard! I used to live for my workouts, but the truth is, with a full time job, they just seem to fall to the side. I'm trying to change that. 

-Read one book per month. I've been reading, like, one page of my book every few days. And it's Kitchen Confidential - a book I've already read several times. PATHETIC. I need to change that. 

-Count to 10 before I react. At work, and at home. 

-Plan meals for the week every Saturday. I've been slacking in this department. 

-Cut down on the amount of plastic I use. I'm trying to transition to adult water glasses instead of the plastic cups I love so much. 

Speaking of cleaning, I made a cleaning schedule to kick off the new year. I searched and searched for a good one on Pinterest, but none of them were exactly right - most of them included tasks that don't apply to me, like cleaning the garage and mowing the lawn. So I made my own:

It takes me about 2 hours to clean the entire apartment from top to bottom, and I always save it for Friday. I thought it would be great to break it down into smaller tasks to do throughout the week. Turns out, I'm not really a fan of the new system. My husband said it best: "If you assign a cleaning task to every day of the week, you're cleaning all week." Not only did I not feel like cleaning after long days at work, but I ended up doing a big clean on Friday anyway. Oh well. I gave it a shot. Maybe it's a better system for cleaning a house. 

I'm off to dinner with my husband and his family. His parents are visiting, and they requested Ethiopian food. Fine by me :)

What are your resolutions for the new year? 


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